Digital Marketing: How Does SEO Work
How Does SEO Work
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Many of you are probably beginners and may still be in the initial stages of learning about SEO. Perhaps you wondered whether the placed advertisements will help you get more visits to your website and a better rank on search engine results. Still, let’s bring clarity to this concept and make SEO a clear and simple notion – along with an idea of how artificial intelligence fits into the process. Once you have mastered all this then you can find out How Does SEO Work to your advantage as far as generating target traffic and high-quality leads are concerned.

What does SEO stand for?

It is the abbreviation of ‘Search Engine Optimization’, which is the way of getting traffic from free organic, editorial, or natural search results of a search engine. It seeks to enhance the ranking of your website on the search engine results pages or SERPs. And again, remember that the higher the site is ranked, the more people are going to come across it.

How do search engines work?

People need to search for information using search engines when they have a question and turn to the Internet for the answer.

Search engine algorithms are specific programs that employ clues to enable users to find the results they have in mind. Search engines use indexing to locate web pages and determine which of these should be considered for ranking with any particular keyword. Oh yes, let’s not forget the fact that there exist social media search algorithms as well.

Search Engine Crawling

The first process is crawling. Search engines have web crawlers that go out to look for new pages and any information concerning them. These we sometimes refer to as ‘spiders’, ‘robots’, Google bots, or even web bots.

Their aim on the web is to identify new pages that have been created and check periodically the content of pages which has been visited before to see whether they have been updated or not.

Specifically, search engine crawlers are capable of navigating through web pages based on the links they’ve identified in their prior rounds. If you have a blog and it is linked from your homepage then when a search engine comes to index your homepage then another link might pop up and the search engine follows this link and reaches your new blog post.

Search Engine Indexing

The second step is pretty simple and is called the indexing of the web pages. Indexing is the process carried out by a particular search engine that determines whether the content that has been crawled is going to be used or not. If a web page crawled by a search engine is considered the best among competing sites, then it will be placed on the index list.

This is applied in the last stage of ranking when evaluating the different results. When a web page or a piece of content is indexed, then it is stored in a database so that it can be retrieved if it is needed. The majority of web pages containing valuable and focused information are indexed.

  • The content is regarded in question as a replica.
  • The material is regarded as low quality or irrelevant in some circles
  • It couldn’t be crawled
  • Specifically, the page or the domain had no source or external linking to it.

 Search Engine Ranking

The third one is ranking and this one is the most crucial one among all of them.

Keyword in title – The occurrence of the keyword or its equivalent within the webpage and the title tag

Ease of loading – how fast the specific Web page loads and its responsiveness on mobile devices

Relevancy of web page and website – Whether or not the web page and website that the search results point to is reputable for the topic in question

Backlinks – the amount and relevance of the links to a specific web page

Content quality and relevance – This factor seeks to determine if the content delivered on the website contains relevant information that the targeted audience will find useful.

Mobile-friendliness – Are the pages, content, and images mobile-friendly?

SEO strategy

There are several aspects where you need a strategy to help in creating, monitoring, and optimizing for it to be effective. It’s the same for your SEO: it won’t be very appealing to guest blogs if you’re aware that your website won’t benefit from the sale or service your competitor linked to gets clicks.

As we know, SEO is about making your content place as close to the top of the listings of search engines or even on the first page as best as possible. Its purpose is to increase organic traffic to ensure you rank high in the search engines and that you are easily found by your target audience, the personas.

How to Become an SEO Specialist

Having understood what SEO entails and how it works, if you have an interest in this area would you like to be a professional here? If the answer you are giving out is yes, then also you are one lucky fellow. Not only is it a demand that is highly sought by various companies and firms across industries but you can also earn a decent living.

The survey conducted by Sagefrog last year indicated that SEO is one of the most popular strategies among B2B businesses with 46% of them stating it is an important part of their marketing approach, and businesses are to invest 31% of their marketing budgets in SEO next year.

SEO can help visitors know about services/ products.

When done effectively, SEO is very beneficial to marketers and businesses as it helps them draw visitors to their sites. This Search Marketing Professional Diploma coupled with Neil Patel will enable you to learn key search basics in addition to areas such as SEO optimization, paid search campaigns search strategy search analysis, demand generation, and much more.


At the same time, I hope you were able to take something away from this guide because there’s a lot packed into it. It is recommended that as you follow your SEO marketing journey you look back at the indications given above. In sum, the basic principle of understanding SEO is that there is no getting around it – at least not if you want your website to perform well. It should be noted that you need to cultivate a certain pattern of behavior that is productive and devote extra effort because this will help you gain that recognition.

Published: May 27, 2024
Writen by
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